Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Walk this way. .

We all have "chosen" a path to walk on in our lives. I put "" around the word chosen because frankly most of the turns were just taken—due to circumstances, upbringing, ignorance and mostly pure laziness of not thinking.

I want to lay out a new path for you guys or maybe just little signs to help you find out more on your own later. Let's just get into it.

Throw out faith and religion

I could have just said religion if I was only attacking superstition here but faith it seems operates on other levels in people's lives too. Not only does faith make people believe in gods and angels, but in memes like "finding a soulmate" in love, "doing the right thing" (getting married) , "just counting on it to workout" (choosing a career) are somewhat branches of faith where reason has taken back seat.

I want you to completely suck faith out of your subconscious so that everything you finally do, every decison you make comes down to relentless thinking, of course this is not to say that every decision like this will be always right but you won't delude yourself into anything.

And religion! Frankly it's a been a long time since I am simply bored of criticizing religion—it's just too easy now. I am also aware that a point by point criticism of religion usually doesn't convince the believers at all. I just want to take a route where any religious person takes it upon himself to sit down and go through religious ideas and forms conclusions. It's like just planting a seed and letting it grow from there.

The seed I have for now is DEATH. Religon thrives on fear, but it thrives on fear of death in general so I think if you take some time out to ponder on this the seed I'm trying to plant will well be on it's way to holding some root. Here's an idea to look at death: Close your eyes think about where were you 100 years back! Try to move your hands and breathe then. Of course you think it sounds silly but that's just what it is; you did not exist 100 years ago and neither did you body or your mind which controls it. And think of 100 years from now—yep, it's the same, you just won't be here. Back to where you were—to nothingness, and not in some buddha spiritual (now that they have hijacked these terms too) sense but in actual nothingness.


What is most interesting to me is guys in fucking early 20s year olds wanting loyal, monogamous, serious relationships—fuck! I mean these are guys who just turned 20 and have a "GF" they say "I love you" to every night. From what little male biology I know, this is the age range where you want to swim your way through as much cunt as you can but what I see is "couples" who hangout out like buddies and tag each other on disneyesque crap like this on facebook.

Spend your 20s as a single MAN and the majority of your relationships with women should be of a fuck buddy dynamic, hone your skills for this, it is the only way you can learn about women and eventually know what you want and expect from a long term partner (if you go down that road). Oh and it's fun!

Whenever I bring up an idea like this I get "You're just desperate", now I'm from Mumbai, India and I'm pretty sure guys don't talk like this in the western world since they start fucking at 17, so it's really something to think about how this has entered the vocab here. What this really is, is an rationalization to not confront the fact that one simply doesn't have that kind of options and skills with women like I am advocating here. Along with that, feminism, religion and the Indian culture is definitely to be blamed.

Let's go bullet points on this:
  1. Feminism has convinced guys today that becoming friendly, comfortable and caring is the way to get into and keep a relationship. This is what leads to "friends first" approach and trying to prove to the girl how he is not like the "other guys" who just want to get laid.
  2. Feminism with its "respect women" slogans has filled guys with so much shame, they now believe that pushing for sex in a relationship is wrong and if they only give it more time and reach an emotional compatibility with the girl she will initiate sex "at the right time when she's ready".
  3. Most guys are just filled with deep anxiety when it comes to showing sexual interest in a girl. Hence when they see they're getting anywhere with one girl they don't wana "rock the boat" and do anything stupid to not fuck it up. The scarcity mentality takes hold of them to counter which they buy into the soulmate myth and Oneitis.


"There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless things."

—Frank Underwood, House of Cards.

I don't want to tell you to workout so that you "stay fit" or because you can "be healthy" or "live longer" (what are you gonna do living for long anyway?) or not get type-2 dibeties, those are all "right thing to do" answers, like when girls tell you all they want is a 'nice guy'. Fuck that.

Do this for POWER. Picture a situation in which a really ripped guy walks into a room vs a thin tall or a fat slob walking into a room, who do you think immediately commands respect? Who do you think intimidates (yes intimidate is what i mean) everyone? The one with the fucking 6000000inch belly fat, dark circles, a puffed up face due to drinking daily? The thin tall guy with arms like fucking noodles? Or this guy?

Evolution has programmed us to notice when someone really ripped crosses your path, just as it has programmed our dicks to start reacting when katrina kaif is on TV and to turn into a steel rod if she's sitting on it. In our hunter gatherer days Achillies physique would signify strength and neo cortex would very well hold us back from fucking with him because it wants us to survive, while that threat no longer exists the psychological intimidating effect still does.

And this will help you all the more with the step 2 above. On whose dick you think evolution has programmed katrina (or all of them) to sit on?


"Reading improves your vocabulary and increases your brain cells" is the usual trite fed to kids, no wonder only a miniscule percent of the population reads. Of course now you want to tell me about how many copies of harry potter soldout or scoopwhoop's web traffic but simply put those things should not even be considered as reading.

Here too the usual doing the "right thing" reasons are given to get people to read, as a result of which people who read scoopwhoop at work go all " i love to read " in their heads.

This is the most powerful medium to gain knowledge, ideas and understand the world. To understand the intricasies of all existence and live a life completely aware of them. See where I am going here, I'm going towards POWER.

Here are the books you should be reading—we'll keep it simple first, start with The Road Less Travelled by M.Scott Peck and then move on to Atlast Shrugged by Ayn Rand. More suggestions in a later post.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Feminism's war against men

Penile guilt
So these four Indian men have admitted to be ashamed of having a penis. Chang even wishes he was a woman! They are apologising to the feminine for the all the rapes and patriachy by men, thus taking the notion of collective guilt to new heights. But hold on aren't these the same people who tell us how "all muslims are not terrorists and islam has nothing to do with terror" and how terrorism is just a few individuals misusing a "religion of peace", all this even when few people having ever suggested all muslims are terrorists, most have called for criticising islamist doctrines which truth be told is the case with all monotheistic religions: violence, conversion, conquering are just the characteristics.

The same feminists who talk of individual actions in the terror discussion have decided that in intergender dynamics all men are always guilty and that collective responsibility should be the norm. Doesn't matter how specific a case of rape it is, all "men are pigs" and all of us are rapists as well. Once someone yelled on TimesNow that "this nation is at war with women". We'll see who has waged war further in this post. And they're not likely to apologize for it either but rather proud of revenge. Let's go in to details.


India has a very special law which states if a man promises marriage and has sexual intercourse with a woman and later the relationship sours and breaks-up that would be rape! Read it again. The woman can literally file an FIR against you for rape and throw you in jail, such is the power granted to them by laws which feminists have pushed for. Of course it goes without saying there's no inverse here for the man, the woman can break off and the man can do nothing about it. Many women across the country have used this as a tool to force marriage and revenge. The courts have taken note of this misuse of law but still there's no debate being pushed for, neither by the media nor by the political class for the former, women are the prime consumers of media, advertising, cosmetic industry while for the latter the women have become a considerable votebank.

Let's devote a little time to understand why this law is outright stupidity. In course of relationships, couples do make certain committements and "promises" but as is human life, circumstances change and relationships come to an end. Feminists who are blinded by revenge against men for patriachy of the last thousands of years want to paint this with the brush that "men fool and use women" for sex. Certainly that happens and it happens both ways, the laws have no role to enter personal relationships like this and the interference has just played into the hands of really broken women who use it for personal vendetta.

On top of that the very feminists who want women to be "independent, smart and forward thinking" also want to depict women as naive and innocent children who just fall for "promises" and follow you to the bedroom. They want to change the horses mid race to suit their agenda. As we shall below how the champions of "working and career oriented ambitious women" want to arm women with laws to destroy men financially in event of a divorce.

"women don't want your money" (just 50%!)

So women are postponing their divorce proceedings to avail our government's charity to them in event of a divorce by seizing away the man's 50% inherited wealth. Here's what one woman waiting for a divorce has to say in DNA:

Divorce lawyer Mrunalini Deshmukh says a few of her female clients, especially those from affluent families, are adopting the wait-and-watch approach before rushing for a divorce. “They stand to gain a lot more from the husband’s property if the Bill in its current form becomes an Act,” she said. “You hurt the person where it hurts him the most, and money plays an important role.”
Firstly let's bring up alimony for a sec, it's weird that only the wife gets the alimony. And what's interesting is the subconscious unspoken rule in culture to never point it out, the man doing so is "not man enough!". HAHA! look at how they set the game and make the rules too.

If fact the feminist movement scoffs at men for paying on dates, it's almost an insult to these women—"you can't buy a woman's love", "women can pay for themeselves", "i don't need a man to pay for me", "i don't want your money I got my own!"..oh the list just goes on. And today every women's organisation supports the bill to rip men off and destroy them financially in event of a divorce. And here's the sweet taste of revenge:

feminist revenge against men
no sorry?
Also note there's no pre-nuptial agreement system in India as in the west. In today's feminist poisoned environment a pre-nup is your best bet against ending up on the street because the girl "just didn't feel in love anymore" or "you weren't the one". If you are an educated man in urban India, there's a high chance you will marry an educated woman and that my friends is all the more risk, of course on this they will throw the "men are scared of powerful independent women" feminist meme at you which of course is a strawman, but yes when the woman has the legal power to cheat on you at work, then initiate divorce and take half of what you own (or even inherited if the new law becomes a reality), scared you must be. The educated empowered women have long been the foot-soldiers of feminism, all you have to do follow their facebook status updates for all videos, memes and more of how women are empowered. In the end the culture today which is effectively teaching girls straight out of school "to divorce him right there and find happiness" and "never compromise on your happiness" marriage seems nothing less than a bad investment.

Of course I hear a lot many "this is just paranoia, it would never happen to me"..which I do grant is the right attitude to have in life regarding such awful calamities like an deadly earthquake/ a hyper-feminist wife/GF but at the same time I think it was Sheldon cooper who said "everyone says it'll never happen until it does".

And if and when a prenup system is ever proposed be prepared to hear them yell on the TV about how "anti-women" the law would be. The usual last resort then is taken in the "child care" argument. A childcare fund can be easily setup between the couple and an amount can be calculated for it, it is no argument to handover 50% of inherited wealth to the wife! And since child custody is one of the most important issues in an divorce, it's all the better to settle them in advance.

In the next part we will look at feminist narratives like "thousands of years of patriachy" and who these feminists really are and look deep into the ideology itself.