Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Betaistan — How Hinduism Feminized Indian Men

In the information age we only hear about how patriarchy is a massive social problem. Amplified by the power of the internet in the form of "outrage". Step on a woman's toe in a crowded public bus in Mumbai and the next moment the bitch is on Facebook telling everyone how the "evil patriarchy" won't even let her get to her paper shuffling HR "career" in peace. Never mind the fact that BEST buses now have upto 8 adult seats reserved for these cunts, who never miss a chance to have a seat, just tap the old man's (her father's age) shoulder and point to the saaree clad (outrageous?) graphic on the side of the seat with her index finger. Then Facebook: "Empowerment:1 | Patriarchy:0."

This post is an attempt to explain India's lack of individual freedoms, a precursor to others like economic freedom in terms of gender dynamics which shaped the psychologies of it's men and by extension it's culture.

Let's begin with the diet, India has always been blessed with abundant farming land which I now think was also a sort of curse. The farming land very soon created a society based on grain consumption and animal husbandry which rightly evolved into other vegetarian values, because killing the very animals who were so productive in the field and otherwise would not have served the people well. The Hindu religion created this system of values—which is what religions do, they cement the beneficial behaviors of society by claiming some superior authority to them as per the times.

We even see the after effects till today, a PM elected to reform the economy and break India free of socialism got busy banning cow meat thus minimizing the already scarce individual freedom.

These Hindu behaviors and values then spread to other sects and tribes eventually. In Maharashtra and probably other states, there are up to 3 days a week when the Marathis are not to eat meat.

Vegetarian diets have been linked to a decrease in testosterone, an important male hormone responsible for masculine behaviors like emotional resilience, aggression, physical strength, body fat handling etc. This probably had an adverse effect on the cognitive capabilities as well. Slower brain development is a fact of protein deficient diets. The IQ of the Indian public is said to be around 83 on average, which is extremely low and probably explains a lot of irrational behavior Indians exhibit on an whole.

As already discussed before on Men building civilizations, societies only grow when it's Men push the boundaries to find answers and gain power, the Indian males simply couldn't do a good job at this, given their lack of aggression (because of the veg diet and the resulting Hindu value system) men have always called upon to push the boundaries of economic, political, intellectual and military thought.

All curiosity and intellectualism vanished as well.  For e.g. The sea which could have been a great mystery to be figured out and conquered became a god never to be "walked upon". Questioning one's own elders, even the village elders, the king became a big taboo, a blind respect to the authority became the norm. No wonder then that the country never escaped grinding poverty. Intellectual capital was never allowed to accumulate in such an environment of obedience.

Eventually even mothers took on the roles of an authoritative figure — even today it's a common sight to see adult men (mostly Hindu males) scared to marry against their mother's choice, much to the chagrin of their empowered partners who write to equally empowered agony aunts. This earned the Indian male the title of "mama's boys" internationally.

Masculinity was eventually brought down to a level of "service to society". A Man's biggest responsibility became to immediately get married upon coming of age and start a family to add more slaves to the system. This too is a common sight today. The number of Hindu men ruined by the weight of a family at 25 is almost tragic, of course in pop culture it is comical. Most choices of career, life partner and even their residence post marriage is already decided by the parental units. Some even dutifully handover the salaries to their fathers every month.

Easy to understand why men of such dispensation were not able to withstand or defend their societies to repeated foreign conquests. In fact as Will Durant notes, they rationalized it away as problems of another dimension.

The Hindus had allowed their strength to be wasted in internal division and war; they had adopted religions like Buddhism and Jainism, which unnerved them for the tasks of life; they had failed to organize their forces for the protection of their frontiers and their capitals, their wealth and their freedom, from the hordes of Scythians, Huns, Afghans and Turks hovering about India’s boundaries and waiting for national weakness to let them in. For four hundred years (600-1000 A.D.) India invited conquest; and at last it came. This is the secret of the political history of modern India. Weakened by division, it succumbed to invaders; impoverished by invaders, it lost all power of resistance, and took refuge in supernatural consolations; it argued that both mastery and slavery were superficial delusions, and concluded that freedom of the body or the nation was hardly worth defending in so brief a life. The bitter lesson that may be drawn from this tragedy is that eternal vigilance is the price of civilization. A nation must love peace, but keep its powder dry.”

Also easy to explain why Indian society never figured out or tasted the spirit of individualism. Or of freedom for that matter. No man dared to declare himself an end unto himself but defined himself as a means for society to be used as it pleases.

Generations of such poor diet choices mostly dominated by rice and dairy led to values and genetic changes, Indian men are extremely prone to fat gain and respond very poorly to muscle building programs.

But the biggest price was paid in terms of freedom, our male ancestors never questioned the conventional wisdom of the day, critical thinking and rational thought was suppressed to keep the powers happy, in fact rational thought till today has not entered the Indian psyche. Such a people only feel safe among "their own", this tribal affiliation is visible in how people vote even today.

In other words the diet and the resulting value system led to the feminization of men. As we see today, women around the world are more prone to be left leaning liberals and vote for leftist policies as against the policies which promote free markets, because a free market system requires a level of aggression and individualism which is a distinctly male characteristic unless it's driven out of them by cultural values and reinforced by vegan diets. Women in Sweden for e.g. are increasingly putting their entire societies in danger by embracing leftist values.

Something similar has been happening India all along for thousands of years. The feminization of men due to factors as discussed above created and environment in which only left leaning political ideologies took root, then in terms of kings and today in terms of modern democracies.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Swarajyamag Deletes Comment — The Mouthpiece of A Police State

The following is my comment posted under the article What DeMo And GST Would Lead To In 2019.

The comment has been deleted with no warnings whatsoever, below is a copy.

The whole issue with modi and his swarajya-rag's thinking was summed up really nice by jayantbhandari.com in one of his demo posts;

In the worldview of the Middle Class and the government what matters is tax collection. What happens to 94% of the people of India — a rather wretched group — is immaterial.

In modi's view the state is supreme and the citizen only exists to pay taxes.

But this model can make the middle class happy for little while, happy in leftist wisdom of everyone paying one's "fair share".

The list of things to break their bubble is too big :

  • Most of the corruption in interacting with the state won't go away.
  • The "online sarkar" is turning into what i called "digital harassment", try filling up a form for police certificate or an CET exam if you don't believe me. Watch news for the Mumbai university online paper correction F ups! Results have been delayed for 2 months now.
  •  Laws and rules like drinking upto 25, prohibition in many states will continue to harrass people to no end!
  • Education from the primary to the engineering levels is a joke, primary kids can't write their own names, engineering students can't write a line of code (and names too in some states like bihar and UP)
  • What the hell is anti-profiteering law within the GST?! The govt officially says profit is a bad thing, no one in bjp reads hindu stuff like "shubh laab". They have gone after stents and now today's TOI says next is knee caps, because they make 450% profits! LOL!

The first PM also thought "profit is a dirty word"! WOW, modi has come a loooong way. And while we thought of him as lee kuan yew's "you make profit a dirty word and Singapore dies!!"

Moving on, the writer throws a bone to the middle class with:
One, invest the surplus in further accelerating economic growth by spending on infrastructure — good economics, good politics.
Unlikely, go watch YouTube news clips on Mumbai roads (BJP has 80 seats in the BMC and still complaints about Shiv Sena's 82!) or just wait, you'll get something on whatsapp!

Rather modi will definitely go with:

And three, fritter it away on entitlements like introducing the universal basic income — good politics, bad economics
hint hint - farmer loan waivers

AND THAT WAS WHAT DEMO WAS ALL ABOUT, FOR CHRIST SAKE!!! — Destroying the opposition cash reserves in UP!

And all this while the middle class has access to YouTube and Facebook, where they are teased with videos like these about driving on Dubai's world-class roads (jump to 5:30).

And the NRIs will do a damn good job of rubbing it. Funny enough, one can eat pork in Dubai but can't get a good beef roll in India now. hehe.

At the same time GOD EMPEROR TRUMP wants the best and brightest to come to US! More beef barbecue.

And it's the best and brightest Hindus who will leave too, if you have any doubts!

While Indian govt tries to hold doctors back "for the welfare of the country". Somebody in the govt took the stupid movie swades too seriously, be assured people will not put up with this.

Modi has taken his pro-individual rights supporters for a huge huge ride, I'm one of them, he lied to our faces.

Swarajya-rag should have criticized for these mind numbing mistakes of the govt as a vanguard of true right wing politics in India and maintained some allegiance to right wing individual rights principles or just change "read India right" to "modi does right".

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

An Indian's Guide to Empathy

It seems everything I think and gravitate towards has something to do with my country of birth, India.

I have never thought of myself has a "die for your country" patriot, in fact I believe death in all it's forms is so boring and hope that like Kurzweil reports, immortality would be soon be available, I'd even settle for anti-aging.

The feeling or the emotion I keep grappling with I think can be termed as "worry". I worry about this nation, it's fortunes and growth and so on.

To get more specific I worry about the bad roads in Mumbai which do not seem to be getting better ever since my mom walked me to my school and back, in "junior KG". That was around 1994-95. In fact I remember once in when I got to "6th standard", the "service road" right outside my building area was rebuilt with dark black tar and was rolled over to perfection. That fucking filled me with so much pride! I said to myself "fuck yes, India is marching ahead..ignore all those snobby UAE uncle aunties". I didn't really know "fuck" then, but the emotion was close.

Of course that road was "washed away" (as all elders around would put it) with the monsoon. Just like the road outside my building right now which was perfectly rolled with tar a week prior to the BMC election 2017. Now come monsoon, it's simply gone! Craters are literally the size of the ones on moon now. In fact most people now take this moon analogy to be a joke, it's fucking not! The holes really are that big, a rough circle like crater with roughed up edges, with a 3ft radius lies in the middle of road right outside the barber's where I used to get my haircut in the school years.

That was how I care about the roads for some reason, the same goes for the garbage and the filth, the BEST bus, the local trains, schools, kids and people on the road under the andheri flyover, somewhere around the Maruti "sai service" showroom.

A different emotion underlines all of these worries, it's misery. But I have never really been miserable directly because of this, being in the middle class and all that. Never directly affected. So I am not the "die for my nation" patriot, nor directly affected by it's wretched poverty (jayant's style) but just a good ol' homo sapien who is a 100% non sociopath. I have empathy.

This is a good time to mention how I have never quite taken to the standard displays of patriotism in this country. Never bought into the "cricket is a religion" BS, heck, it's a fucking boring game to me — it's not even a team sport! The whole thing rests on the "best" batting guy, and then the bowling guy when he fails. There is no build up, no teamwork in which every player plays a part to get the ball to the rival's goal post. And even then a LOT depends on the right pass, before a score and the entire stadium goes fucking wild! Sheer brilliance, few things can make you as happy as scoring in football.

One explanation for football never catching up here is probably the calorie deficiency! There's already stories about our players not having shoes for the FIFA WorldCup, probably a hoax, but understandable why such an hoax would come into existence. When 50% populations lives on the $2 per day while the 20% of the rest makes $3 per day and then the next 10% probably stuck at $5 (funny how they just leave it "50% less than $2/day" as if expecting it to slide by you the fact that the rest 50% isn't doing all that fucking well either!) it's pretty hard to get excited about running all day after a ball. And of course, we do not have the space, nor can most of us afford a nice pair of shoes.

And since "possession is nine tenths of the law", once cricket got into the psyche, it's stayed there. Hence a lazy boring game like it even today deprives most Indians of the joy of scoring a goal.

A next favorite is the army. I remember thinking since my early days — "there hasn't been a war in years, just what the heck are all those army guys doing?!". I have a pretty good idea of it now, and a lot more empathy for those dudes too. Lack of bullets, jackets, food, pension, the insulting 1lac bucks to their families when they die doing the army stuff. While I understand the importance of the army and it's role, I don't think it's something worthy of being proud of! I would feel much more pride if Mumbai figures out building roads like they should be in the 21st century!

Taking pride in your ability to kill never made much sense to me given how obvious it was that getting along and working together works out so well. Yes I understand the concept of justice, and how Tolstoy said "you don't want war but war wants you" then someone in china said "in peace prepare for war". All good. Point taken.

That simply puts the army into the "necessary evil" category right alongside the concept of government. Do you feel pride for the Indian government too?(email me if yes)

Too bad we've for ages assigned that to money. One of the reasons why India is in this state now. We will get to that later.

Moving on.

Everything I gravitate towards, somehow has the country in the center of it. At times this insanity calms down but then it comes right back.

Blogs like sabhlokcity and deeshaa, explain the origins of Indian's problem and possible solutions. Books like breaking free of Nehru and transforming India did the same.

Frankly, I just read them to understand why the roads suck so much. I got that and a lot more.

After few years I discovered podcasts, I then read all of Ayn rand's work just because two American guys kept talking about it, with bouts of "fuck the president" every few episodes. That got to me. From google street view I understood a long time back America has amazing roads, and still these guys seem to hate the government, not the politicians but the government! Very interesting.

By the time I was done with Atlas Shrugged, I hated the government too, never mind the politicians.

Once again at the core of the curiosity about Atlas Shrugged, America, and "fuck the president" was a desire to better understand what is it happening with India. 

And since we've already covered I'm not "die for country" type, I'm now sure most of the wind behind by sail of curiosity about India was good ol' Empathy.

To be continued..or not.