Some days ago I was sort of texting 3 chicks. Just the usual trying to setup a date, Trying to spin them plates and for some reason it just kept not happening. They’d make some excuses when i gave them a time for a date and when they’d give me a time i’d definitely turn it down, that’s my way of being like Diogenes with chicks. Obviously chicks are no Alexander though.
So the texting went back and forth, obviously it was no fun and at times excruciatingly boring. Obviously none of these chicks read anything ever, i just didn’t know what to say to them.
And so in between trying to set up dates I’d just go silent for 1-2 days in between, it was both a strategy to limit my texting them and just plain convenience, i obviously had no time to text them during both work followed by gym days.
And girl 1 and 2 both pulled of this weird trick. Of course they two totally separate people and strangers to each other. What they both did is, they both dropped me just “Good night” straight at night around 11PM. Not a single text in the last 30-35hrs but suddenly just this one text.
Orbiting can happen in a variety of ways. Orbiting is basically any relationship she keeps going long term without the intention of letting things go further.
It could be a text relationship. You meet a girl and exchange numbers. You text her to hang out, but she is busy.
Yet she still indicates interest. So you text her every once in awhile. And she keeps leading you on, without any intention to ever meet up.
I can’t find a link to a post which had a line which said, girls will send a beacon your way once in awhile just to check up on you. HAHA! In my own field of network engineering the Ping comes to mind. They’re just testing for a response and once they have it they feel safe maybe. Safe in the knowledge that yes at least mike likes me.
The simple way to never become an orbiter is to ESCALATE. Always be physically moving on to the next step.
The problem is that women are crafty motherfuckers. They’ll avoid hanging out with you in a place where sex could happen—namely your place or hers. That gives her full reign when you escalate in public for her to say, “Not here!”
And then, when it’s time to go back to your place or hers somehow she’s feeling tired, sick, has to be up early or is on her period.
And then the next day she starts with the breadcrumbs. She texts you flirty, friendly messages as if she likes you. She’ll talk with you in different ways, meet up with you, confide in you and make you feel like you’re her boyfriend—except for the sex of course. Welcome to orbiterville.
By now it’s clear I am heading to orbitville, but hey I did not spend million hours reading rational male, redpill, chateau and the game and yareally just to end up as a slave to her majesty’s beauty. In fact I just now play along to see how far they exactly take and how, it’s good reference experience and blogging material if nothing else.
I can go on about how to break out from the orbit but I've shared enough resources if you really want to learn all this. I’ll just add and tell you again to be like Diogenes with women. Yes they are beautiful creatures and can melt you with it and have tremendous power over you, at least it feels so but once you understand that it’s mostly your testosterone doing all the work and you get it that they don’t really want that power you will be able to get her off that pedestal and be truly equal with her and only then you will be able to peel away the long hair, beautiful skin, the curves of her breast and thighs, the softness of it all and her childlike mannerisms and expressions and a good 90% of the time you will see a bored to death and boring as hell sjw-liberal-feminist selfie machine, surgical attached to her smartphone.
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