You don’t a lot need it. But it’s good to have as much as you can of it.
Money is about Men. Let’s start with that. Yeah there probably are 10% high testosterone ambitious empow wiimmeen who want to money as much as Men do but fuck em`, lol, they’re an exception and not the rule, and the rule is most of the chicks know in the subconscious hindbrain of theirs that they’ll surely get a high income Man (who they most probably won’t be deserving of) but nontheless they are sure to get him and have that cosy life their mothers brought them up with or fathers if you get one of the “daddy’s princess” psychos.
Now that we got that out of the way. We already saw in the above para an example of “money is about men”. But I don’t like that context. Bluepill societal dictat that Men ought to have money and be successful to take care of the fat sluts coming out of their party years at 28. I’d rather have that Men save up every last penny for their financial security, for their parents and family instead of let an ex cock rider buy shoes with it. And of course whore around and snort coke of their ass cracks every now and then. At the end they’ll probably find an unicorn to put the proverbial “ring on it”(seems unlikely though).
While money is extremely important I want to find some context to that.
How much does a Man need?
Anyone with above average intelligence and work ethic can make a decent house, car, clothes come true for himself in today. Say thanks to the gods of capitalism. You can always better those things to always keep upgrading, sure, but to what fucking extent? Do you really need to go from a 3GB RAM phone to 6GB one? Fuck NO! Dumb cunts who do not even know what RAM is do that. You wanting that is just the feminine culture getting to you. Indulging in mindless materialism just to fit the ideological poster child of being empowered and ambitious is what the femcunt narcisstic KULTURE is all about.
I want to bring your attention to something bigger. The thing which will wipe all that you own if you mess it up, your real #1 asset — HEALTH.
Ask me I am looking at an 400000 rupee surgery for my face because I’m suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia aka the suicide disease. And this probably for no fault of my own, the dentist fucked it up during the RC, so that should give you a pretty fucking good idea on how a single blow to you fragile frame of flesh and bones can put you up by a decade.
I’ve always questioned what most Men plan to do with their fortunes and I guess they don’t have a clue themselves. Personally the only answers I have come with is books, clothes, some travel, some good times at the expensive clubs and I’d rate the most books a priority on that list. After that with what’s left I would factor donating to blogs and the alternative media which puts out the right ideas which can save us from the liberal BS out there in the mainstream today.
But what after that? And I think they have the answer in the subconscious which they can’t reach. They are just saving for a major blow to their fucking liver or the heart. In Games People Play psychologist Eric Berne explains about his theories of a “life script”. About how we all have decided an answer to the question “what happens to a person like me?” while we were 4 years old. Of course we don’t the answer any more than we know the script but it’s part of our daily functioning.
And sadly for most men today the answer seems to be that “a guy like me works to death in a job he hates, married to a wife he probably hates, with kids who hate him and think of him as no more than a walking wallet. To put this out of my mind I come home, drink to death infront of the TV and never having seen the inside of a gym I go out like a sick fat dog with liver or heart poisoning.” That’ll will cost you some fucking money. That is an expensive fucking script to have.
That answers what most most men will do with all the wealth they so desperately make, they will it lose it at the hospital to extend a life not worth living.